Bollywood Recall - Kailash Kher Is Hindi Songs Album Its Features Artists Such As Kailash Kher, Javed Ali Bollywood Recall - Kailash Kher Released On On 12th December 2013, The Music Of Hindi Album Bollywood Recall - Kailash Kher Composed By Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Hanif Sheikh, Vinay Tiwari, Adnan Sami, Shamir Tandon, Santosh Sharma, Siddhant Madhav, A.R. Rahman, Kailash Paresh Naresh, Bapi Tutul. And Lyrics By Sameer, Hanif Sheikh, Irshaad Kamil, Shabbir Ahmed, Sahani Aslam, Arafat Mehmood, Prasoon Joshi, Kailash Kher, Sandeep Nath. Bollywood Recall - Kailash Kher Have Total 10 Sound Tracks
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